2 Spalten - FAQ


We have answers to your frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are granulate bullet traps in need of maintenance?

Bullet removal from the bullet trap is needed after approx. 20,000 - 25,000 shots.

How long does a wear center last?

The center wear plates must be replaced depending on the condition and number of shots: Approx. every 4 - 6 years and/or 10'000 - 15'000 shots.

How long does a front plate last?

The service life of a front panel is approx. 100,000 shots.

When do the drawers need to be emptied?

We recommend emptying the drawers after approx. 4000 shots. Lead residues is carried out by us free of charge.

What is a VeVa number and what is it needed for?

Companies that wish to dispose of hazardous waste (S) or other waste subject to control and requiring a consignment note (akb) require a VeVa company number. This number serves to identify the companies.

Where can we apply for the VeVA number?

Establishment numbers must be requested on the DETEC eGovernment portal (eGov). As part of their service, waste disposal companies can also request missing establishment numbers for their customers. The numbers can be viewed publicly by DETEC on VeVA-Online and eGov.

We will handle all these administration work and the application for the VeVa-number on our side if we do the maintanence on your shooting range.

What ammunition may be used for our shooting range?
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