Shooting facilities,
Indoor and outdoor

Our company with about 30 employees stands out for innovation in shooting and constantly adapts production to current needs and requirements.

Our specialists guarantee tailor-made solutions with perfect workmanship. That is why we encourage our employees, train them and develop them further. A good working atmosphere at eye level is a matter of course in our family business.


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Betriebsausflug - Reduzierte Öffnungszeiten

Donnerstag 19.09.2024 ➔ Nachmittag geschlossen
Freitag 20.09.2024 ➔ ab 09.00 regulär geöffnet

Shooting ranges

Shooting ranges

Consulting and realization of indoor and outdoor facilities in Switzerland and abroad.



Consulting, development, production, assembly and maintenance: shooting is our passion.

About us

About us

With Swiss innovation and know-how, we have been hitting the target for almost 60 years.

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