Shooting Ranges

Precision, Safety, and Innovation – Our Shooting Ranges at a Glance

Whether indoor or outdoor, for law enforcement, the police, the military, or sport shooters – our shooting ranges stand for the highest quality and state-of-the-art technology. Each range is individually designed and perfectly tailored to specific requirements.

Our products comply with the latest technology standards, meet all applicable regulations, and are individually designed and manufactured in our in-house production facilities. This ensures long-term operational safety and maximum performance.

From the initial idea to the completed installation, we support you with our many years of experience and technical expertise. Our solutions provide not only maximum safety and durability but also the highest level of shooting comfort.

Bullet Trap Systems Indoor

Bullet Trap Systems Outdoor

Target Lift and Target Pulls Indoor / Outdoor

Target Transport Systems Indoor / Outdoor

Panels and Sound Insulation Systems

Roof Constructions, Flooring

Accessories / Customized Products

Spare Parts

Our Projects

Enclosed you can see some examples of our works and realized projects.

CoverSeal - Schwimmbad Abdeckung Digital Signage Displaylösungen massgeschneidert für Ihr UnternehmenEinbauschrank nach Mass für GenerationenErdsondenbohrung, Brunnenbohrung, SonderverlängerungenErdsondenbohrungenErdsondenbohrungen, Brunnenbohrungen, FrostschutzeinspülungESET Antivirus EuropaFitLine OptimalsetFull Service Marketing Agentur Hochwertige Produkte für Gesundheit, Fitness und SchönheitLeuchten und LeuchtsystemeMetallbau, Balkonverglasung, SitzplatzverglasungMicrosoft 365 BackupNilfisk BodenreinigungsgeräteNilfisk HochdruckreinigerPermanent Make UpPermanent Make Up - Augen Permanent Make Up - Augenbrauen Schule für Massage, Kosmetik, FusspflegeTextilpflege, Hemden-Service, Chemische ReinigungTons AsiaTreuhand. Immobilien. Dienstleistungen.Verpackungsdesign LuzernWebagentur Luzern, SurseeWebdesign