2-Columns - Accessories / Customized products

Accessories / Customized products

Warner desk with bench, overshot panels, undershot panels, covers between bullet traps, rifle rakes, target rack 25 m and 50 m, bullet case catchers, sun screens, lounger planks, shooting tunnels, etc.

Rifle rack wall model

Is suitable for all ordnance rifles and is mounted on the wall by means of pipe clamps

Conforms to the federal specifications



Model 12 Art. No. 11187:
Width approx. 1400mm, height approx. 1050mm, depth approx. 200mm

Model 10 Art. No. 11185:
Width approx. 1200mm, height approx. 1050mm, depth approx. 200mm

Pipe clamps for rifle rack without insulation Art. No. 10197
suitable for all types of rifles, mounted directly to the wall, 4 pieces

Rifle rack wall model

Is suitable for all ordnance rifles and is mounted on the wall by means of pipe clamps

Conforms to the federal specifications



Model 12 Art. No. 11187:
Width approx. 1400mm, height approx. 1050mm, depth approx. 200mm

Model 10 Art. No. 11185:
Width approx. 1200mm, height approx. 1050mm, depth approx. 200mm

Pipe clamps for rifle rack without insulation Art. No. 10197
suitable for all types of rifles, mounted directly to the wall, 4 pieces


Enclosed you can see some impressions of custom made products and accessories.

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